





1.投资在家庭检查。“有关$ 300- $ 400元钱,一个验房师可以提供结构,家庭和财产的机械和主要部件的完整报告,”格雷格香草,在Boyertown的,宾夕法尼亚州执业房地产经纪人和老板赫伯房地产的说。查尔斯·吉福德,在佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔许可的房屋检查员和业主Amerispec的,对此表示赞同,并补充说一上门检查通过适当资格的验房师会给你“你买什么样的更好的图片,并为您提供了框架,你的修理,或优先走开,如果是太多处理。”


3.去过冬的家庭。据吉福德,谁也的一员验房的美国社会(ASHI), if you plan to purchase a home that’s been unoccupied for several months, “the first thing you should ask is, ‘Are the utilities turned on?’” In foreclosed homes in many parts of the country, “the water is off, traps are filled with environmentally friendly anti-freeze, and water lines may be pressurized with air or blown out and fully drained,” to keep pipes from freezing and breaking, explains Gifford. Prior to a home inspection, the lines will need to be pressure-checked and energized. And, according to Gifford, you may need a licensed electrician to conduct a safety check on the property’s电力前恢复供电。“每个市都有自己的规则,”他说,”外的镇买家可能需要支付一定的费用,接通电源,如果有三个或四个事业在打电话前,你可以得到的一切东西可能很复杂操作。一个良好的房地产经纪人应该能够为您提供推荐。”

4.检查管道问题。在废弃或止赎房屋的最灾难性的问题常常是由于破水暖管道或泄漏。“Sometimes when you dig beneath the surface of a leaky toilet bowl that’s been shoddily repaired you’ll find that you not only have to replace the lead bend, but also whole floors, floor joists, and drywall that’s rotted or contains mold,” says Matthew Barnett, a licensed home inspector and owner of Brooklyn, New York-based Accurate Building Inspectors. An ASHI member, Barnett says controlling a mold problem can cost anywhere from a couple of hundred dollars to $20,000-$30,000 or more to repair and replace whole floors and walls made of plaster or drywall.

5.调查机械,水加热,和电力系统。“在摒弃强制通风系统,灰尘和碎片,甚至小动物的房子积聚在管道工程,”巴内特说,”如果湿度一直围绕锅炉或窑炉的很长一段时间,热交换器会腐蚀你’ll need to replace them altogether.” This can cost between $3,000-$5,000, he says, depending on the type of system you’ll need. “Some utilities won’t light the pilot light of gas systems if the filters are dirty for fire safety,” adds Andrea Johnson, a Portland, Oregon-based licensed real estate broker and founding member and partner of U.S. REO Partners. This means you’ll need to assume the cleaning expense to test whether they’re operable.

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6.查找的递延维护的迹象。“当业主干脆放弃和停止服用照顾家庭,将有大量的保养issues, like the need to clean the gutters, clear debris off the roof, cut back overgrown vegetation, and caulk/seal tile in showers and tubs,” says Gifford, who adds that in certain distressed areas it isn’t uncommon to find that appliances, condensing units, and ceiling fixtures have been removed altogether. According to Barnett, “cheap repairs, like using duct tape or plumber’s putty over a leaking pipe or unprofessional wiring of a fan” can also lead to deeper problems, like mold or fire hazards, which may require costly fixes down the line.

7.检查基础的裂缝,屋顶漏水等外观损伤。“我们往往看到这一切坏屋顶,结构性问题,水害,和其他大件物品修理,”吉福德说。“在干旱地区,如得克萨斯州,房屋的地基需要浇水或它们可以破解,破坏了房子,” Johnson补充说。对于一个带游泳池的家,巴内特建议您联系池服务,以确保地下管道和设备没有破裂或堵塞。“A normal house inspection will cover the general condition of the pumping and filtering, the patio area, coping stones, and skimmers, but a pool service can try to get the system up and running to see if there’s any significant equipment damage,” he says. If there’s a problem, the owner may give you credit to get it running properly again.



10.重新生成密钥所有的锁。“很多房屋都是主密钥的系统上,” JOHSON说。“这意味着无数的经纪人,承包商,评估师等人能有这把钥匙。”如果你购买抵债的家,她建议由各地立即在你行动之前安装新的密钥新锁保护你自己和你的财产。
